2024 Board of Directors

  • President: Analia Murray

    Analia and her husband moved from Cobb County to Lake Swan a few months ago. She is a preschool teacher, originally from New York, but attended Clemson University and married a Southern gentleman born and raised in Marietta.

    They are the proud parents of four daughters and three dogs. They consider themselves very blessed to be a part of this amazing community. and Analia is personally very honored to be your new HOA President.

  • Vice-President: Greg Musgrove

    Greg, his wife Jill, and their 3 children moved to Lake Swan 9 years ago. Greg previously served on the HOA board as Vice President from 2015-2016. He owns his business, TGS Media Distribution which he has been running for 19 years.

    Greg works from home most of the time so it really helps him to be in the neighborhood every day to help with HOA work. He is very active in his church, Gracepointe Marietta, where he also serves as a deacon. He is happy to be back on the board this year!

  • Treasurer: Penny Stratton

    Penny is a Lake Swan legend! She has lived in the neighborhood two different times and served on the board for a combined 20 years! She has run a payroll and taxes business based in California for over 24 years. She lives in the. neighborhood with her husband of 34 years, her daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter, who graduated in 2022.

    Penny helps all our new residents as she keeps track of IDs, and is the local “go-to.” If you need anything-call Penny!

  • Secretary: Laura Neal

    Laura with her husband John and son Felix moved to Lake Swan in 2022 from Arizona and loves everything about living in our community, especially her amazing neighbors!

    Laura is retired from city government and her experience includes being active on two nonprofit boards. She has big shoes to fill but looks forward to doing everything she can by using her experience to enhance our neighborhood.

  • Clubhouse Dir.: Tequila Mari

    Tequila and her husband, Joe, moved to Lake Swan with their two boys in 2018. They love their home on the lake where Joe spends many hours fishing.

    Tequila owns her own house cleaning business, even serving several of her neighbors as clients! She loves living in Lake Swan, especially during the holidays and enjoys the events that bring the community together.